Sunday, August 30, 2009

sailboats flea markets and live dragonfly brooches

sail boats and fish

IMG_5018 by you.IMG_5027 by you.IMG_5022 by you.

flea market outfiit
flea market buddy
and ridiculously cute puppy

IMG_5041 by you.IMG_5042 by you.IMG_5038 by you.

the dragonfly wanted to be my brooch
she wouldn't come off

IMG_5016 by you.
IMG_5015 by you.

IMG_5013 by you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

squating on a hill

Ram belt buckle
1940s dot dress
weird socks and shoes
and the beloved 1950s basket purse

IMG_4900 by you.IMG_4895 by you.IMG_4893 by you.IMG_4884 by you.IMG_4886 by you.IMG_4883 by you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1940 outfit

I bought this adorable 1940 coin skirt from
the lovely clever nettle

My 40s blouse is oddly My husbands (Pierre Eymard) initials backwards

and Ive had my 40s brooch forever

IMG_4856 by you.IMG_4860 by you.

I have always seem to have a love affair
with shoe clips
I will definitely be making my own soon
IMG_4879 by you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009