Longest post in the history of Fashion Forestry...
Tell me if it was worth it...
Lip Pinata
Presents hand wrapped and made by me for the Piñata
Stuffing the piñata with goodies
Piñata blindfold made by me
I put foil heart doilies on the bottom of plastic plates!
Mary and I
Ashley and I
Humming Bird girls + Bathroom photos with Mary and I
Some prizes from the Piñata
Long Tongue contest
Francesca and Ashley
Pipe cleaner crafts time

Valentine love!!!
Recipe for the perfect Valentines Party:
*Dress My loved one
Plastic Celluloid Hearts on dress sewn on by me!!!
Heart hat made by me (soon sold in my etsy shop in different shapes)
Apron given to me by my Friend
Red negligee from BlueRoseRetro
Celluloid heart comb from ButtermilkSky
* Ask guests to bring a vintage valentine, and pin each of them on a heart
*5 mylar heart balloons
* Heart eyelash piñata blindfold made by me
*1 1920s crepe paper table cloth
*1 1920s heart shapes chair
* 1 1920s boudoir doll with a paper/feather dress
*60 heart confettis for the floor
* 1 music box penguin decanter with red booze showing through the clear stomach
*200 plastic doves
* 60 clear plates with heart doily's I taped to the bottom
*70 gifts made by me for the piñata
*1 lip shaped piñata
*Salmon with toppings
*Heart cake whole foods
*heavenly punch with giant circular/flavored ice, made by my friend
*50+ decorations made by me and my friends
*1 1960s plastic melted popcorn heart with arrow
*12 flowers
*12 strawberries
*3 boxes of pipe cleaners to make heart hats and bras!!!!!!!!
*20+ bottles of Sophia Coppola bottles and cans of sparkling wine and bottled rose